Spring Fever

“Fever” is a bit of an understatement to describe my condition come April 1. I am burning up in flames of desperation for sunshine, greenery, warmth and fresh air. Many Wisconsinites are known for wearing shorts at the first scent of spring. I am not that type of crazy, but will happily admit I am the type of crazy that will sit out on my patio with a fire and blanket as soon as it hits 50 degrees. I keep the furniture covers close by because I know that the possibility of a snowstorm is entirely possible up until May 1.

With the manic energy of the full moon this week I have gone full out into spring cleaning mode with my space – decluttering, re-arranging, adding plants and flowers, etc. I see it as a mental health practice and a self-care ritual as the energy of my space is directly tied to the energy of my internal state. Everyone is my family knows that a clean house equals a clam momma.

I do have other grounding practices, especially one I learned while managing pain called leaning into positive sensations. (which is really as simple as it sounds, if you don’t want to click the link to try it yourself) It forces me to be ultra present and always brings a smile to my face.

I love the changes that the seasons bring, both internal and external. But the waiting for spring is always the hardest part.

Jenna L. Kashou